A következő címkéjű bejegyzések mutatása: linux. Összes bejegyzés megjelenítése
A következő címkéjű bejegyzések mutatása: linux. Összes bejegyzés megjelenítése

2019. július 30., kedd

Ubuntu Studio - Disco Dingo 19.04 - Bionic Beaver 18.04


Disco Dingo 19.04

This is the latest regular release, which we (the Ubuntu Studio team) will be supporting for 9 months (until January 2020).

64-bit 19.04 Torrent

64-bit 19.04 Direct

Checksums and alternative downloads: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/disco/release/

Release notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiscoDingo/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuStudio

Bionic Beaver 18.04

This is the latest LTS-based regular release, which we (the Ubuntu Studio team) will be supporting until April 2021 with the Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA. The Backports PPA must be added to receive this extended support which would otherwise have ended January 2019.

64-bit 18.04 Torrent
32-bit 18.04 Torrent

64-bit 18.04 Direct
32-bit 18.04 Direct

Checksums and alternative downloads: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/bionic/release/

Release notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuStudio
System Requirements

The minimum of RAM required for Ubuntu Studio is 1 GB, but it is highly recommended that you have at least 4 GB, as some applications use up a lot of RAM. The minimum of disk space required is around 10 GB, but that is just for installing the system.
Try before Installing

The Ubuntu Studio ISO is a live image, which means you can boot it and use all the default applications without actually installing it. Just burn a DVD, or create a bootable USB stick and try it out.
Boot from DVD
Download the image above. Burn it to DVD using your favorite software. Information on burning to CD/DVD can be found here.
Make sure to set your BIOS to boot from CD/DVD. Information on troubleshooting booting from CD/DVD can be found here.
Boot from your newly burned DVD and follow the instructions.
Boot from USB Stick

There is a bug that affects creating USB installers for the 15.10 release, so using UNetbootin or the like might not work. On Linux systems one can use the command line tool dd or mkusb instead. What they do is basically copy the image as is, not only the files but also the filesystem, onto the USB stick. Sort of like burning a DVD.

For 16.04 and later though, you may follow these steps:
Download the image above. Use software like UNetbootin to create your bootable USB stick (included in Debian/Ubuntu repositories). If using Universal USB Installer, use version or above.
Make sure to set your BIOS to boot from USB. Commonly, the USB stick is recognized as a bootable hard disk, and to boot from it, either set it first in the BIOS boot order, or find a way to select which device to boot from using a key stroke while starting the computer (not all motherboards support booting from USB stick. Also, not all USB stick are bootable). More information on this here.
Boot from your newly created bootable USB stick and follow the instructions.
Fresh Installation

A fresh installation from DVD is the recommended installation method. The DVD image is about 2.6 GB, and can either be burned to DVD, or used to create a bootable USB stick.
Check ISO for corruption using checksum

After downloading the ISO, make sure to check it for corruption. Several methods are available, we recommend using SHA256. Go to the download directory, and use the command line program sha256sum. The output should be identical to the respective checksum found at the link below the downloads above. Read more about checking SHA256 sums.
Using wireless while installing

If you are using wireless to connect to the internet, you may first want to boot into the live system, connect to the internet and install from there. There is a launcher for installing Ubuntu Studio on the desktop.
Notes on partitioning and dual booting

If you are intending to dual boot (keeping more than one operating system on the same computer), you will need to know how to partition manually. Otherwise, the default option presented during the installation is the best choice (will overwrite everything on the disk). Information on dual booting can be found here.

2018. október 19., péntek

60.000 szabadalmat tesz nyílt forráskódúvá a Microsoft

A Microsoft nemrég bejelentette, hogy a cég csatlakozik az ’Open Invention Network’-höz (OIN), avagy ’nyílt feltalálói hálózat’-hoz, egy olyan csoporthoz, mely egy licenszelési platformot biztosít a Linux és még 2400 más cég számára. Az OIN-ben egyéni fejlesztőktől kezdve igazi mammutcégekig mindenféle felállás megtalálható és a csoport maga azok kollekciója, akik a Linux rendszer rendelkezésére bocsátottak szabadalmakat, nyílt forráskódúvá téve azokat. Csatlakozása után a Microsoft-nak meg kell fogadnia, hogy a szabadalmak után nem indít pereket.

Nagy hír, hogy a Microsoft is csatlakozik ehhez a csoporthoz, hiszen sok Windows-exkluzív aspektus nehezen volt megvalósítható Linux rendszerek alatt, pedig szívesen láttuk volna őket. A fejlesztők azonban nem fognak unatkozni, hiszen több, mint 60.000 szabadalom/szabadalmaztatott kód áll a rendelkezésükre, hogy beépítsék azokat ilyen-olyan formában Linux rendszerekbe. Az OIN egyéb tagjai hozzáférhetnek a szabadalmak, patentek (tervrajzok) bármelyikéhez. Rendkívül kellemes hír ez azoknak a Linux és Android fejlesztőknek, akik korábban perek célkeresztjeibe kerültek lehetséges jogsértések miatt.

Miért jelentős még ez a lépés? Azért, mert a Microsoft nem fog többé részesedést szedni az Android alkalmazások készítőitől és forgalmazóitól, tehát egyrészt jól járnak a mobilos platformok, másrészt a Microsoft pénzügyei is vissza fognak esni (nem komoly mértékben, de kissé érezhetően). A Microsoft ennek ellenére azt állítja, hogy folytatni fogja a támogatását a Linux és Android platformoknak, hiszen nagyrészt a felhasználók és a vásárlók kérték ezt. Ezelőtt a Microsoft-nak egyébként látszólag olyan hírneve volt, hogy nem igazán hajlandó együttműködni a nyílt forráskódú kollektívával, azonban ezek a kétségek is eloszlani látszanak. A Microsoft úgy tűnik, hogy alátámasztja állítását, hogy támogatja a nyílt forráskódú, szabadon fejleszthető kollektívákat, mint amilyen a Linux közösség is.

A Linux egyébként már régóta alapul veszi rengeteg disztróban a Windows számos aspektusát. Az Ubuntu, mely a leghíresebb disztró, már szinte teljes mértékben vizuális alapú és szinte teljesen úgy működik, mint egy Windows operációs rendszer. A Linux-ot azonban azért szeretjük, mert vannak olyan disztrók is, melyek nagyrészt parancssor alapúak. Az egészben pedig az a legjobb, hogy minden nyílt forráskódú, tehát bárki számára elérhető!


2017. július 10., hétfő

Linux AIO Ubuntu 17.04

We are pleased to announce the new version of Linux AIO Ubuntu 17.04 release in our Primary branch.

It contains 32bit, 64bit and mix version of ISOs, with official, untouched Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubuntu GNOME, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Budgie, Xubuntu and Lubuntu 17.04 releases.

Due to limitations on SourceForge servers (max 5GB file can be uploaded) we needed to split ISO files. This is done by archiving ISO with .7z archiver in two parts. You need to download both parts and then to extract them. For extracting these files all you need is to have .7z archiver installed on your computer.

Download links are in Download section of website.

Always check downloaded file with MD5.

As you see there is a new Ubuntu flavour Ubuntu Budgie.

If you like our project you can support it with Donations via paypall.

2015. február 28., szombat


Linux Mint 17.1 is a long term support release which will be supported until 2019. It comes with updated software and brings refinements and many new features to make your desktop experience more comfortable to use.

Linux Mint 17.1 "Rebecca"KDE Edition
KDE 4.14

The previous version of Linux Mint used KDE 4.13. In this release, KDE is upgraded to version 4.14.

For an exhaustive list of KDE improvements, please visit:
KWallet Integration

Support was added in MDM and in the session for the KDE wallet to be fully integrated with Linux Mint.

Although a Wallet Manager is present for configuration purpose, no interaction is needed for the KDE wallet to work.

The wallet is created automatically with your first login, and it opens automatically in the background with every new session.
Update Manager
More meaningful updates

The Update Manager now groups packages together according to their source package. A line no longer represents a single package but a software update which consists in one or several packages.

When a developer fixes a bug or writes new features, the source code is modified and all packages which are related to it become available under a new version. It is therefore futile and sometimes dangerous to apply some package updates and not others within the same source package.

In the screenshot below, the Update Manager shows 10 software updates. These updates represent a total of 70 packages. The LibreOffice update is selected and the Update Manager shows the 22 packages it contains. At the bottom of the screen, the Mesa update contains 18 packages, some of which are known to break your system if you were to apply them individually.

More meaningful software updates

By grouping these updates the Update Manager prevents you from applying incomplete updates while making it easier for you to review them (updates make more sense and there's far less than before to review).
Kernel selection

As more and more kernels become available, the kernel selection screen was redesigned to quickly let you review known security fixes and known regressions:

Kernel selection in the Update Manager
Other improvements

Short descriptions were added. Both short and long descriptions now appear in your own language.

The main window no longer hides after installing updates.

Proxy support was added for the retrieval of changelog information.
Login Screen
Visual improvements

The Login Window Preferences were redesigned:

The Login Window preferences

The new layout features icons in the sidebar to access the different categories of settings.

The concept of "greeters" was confusing to users so it was replaced by a simpler theme selection. All themes (HTML and GDM) as well as the GTK greeter are now available from the same list.

A preview button, to quickly visualize the active theme, was added.
Under the hood improvements

The session output is now limited to 200KB (between 2000 and 4000 lines of logs), to prevent warning spam issued by toolkits, libraries or programs from filling up the .xsession-errors file, sometimes resulting in loss of performance, lack of HDD space, or the inability to log in.

The session output can also be filtered, to prevent warnings and errors from GTK, Glib, Gio, Gobject, Glade etc… from getting into .xsession-errors.

Note that the session output limit is enabled by default and the session output filtering is disabled by default. Both options are available in the MDM Setup tool.

In the login screen, touchpad taps are now disabled while the user is typing.
System improvements

Linux Mint 17.1 features the following system changes:
A new pastebin command was introduced. You can pipe a command into it or simply give it a filename. The text is then available online for 2 days:
echo "Hello World!" | pastebin
pastebin myfile.txt
The 'search' command now uses the current folder by default, so these three commands are now the same:
search in . for somekeyword
search for somekeyword in .
search for somekeyword
The 'apt' commands now feature bash completion
Artwork improvements

The default MDM theme for the login screen now features a slideshow. Additional HTML themes were also installed by default, including some of the great retro-looking themes from Sam Riggs, a new modern theme from Philipp Miller and some flat themes from Bernard.

All the backgrounds since the previous LTS

There are backgrounds galore in Linux Mint 17.1. All the backgrounds since the previous LTS (Maya, Nadia, Olivia, Petra, Qiana) were added, as well as a nostalgic selection of the best backgrounds from the early days of Linux Mint. You'll even find the notorious Dew background from Linux Mint 7 Gloria in there :)
Other improvements

The USB Image Writer now shows the percentage of completion in its titlebar, so you can minimize it while it's working and see its progress without having to switch back to it.

The Software manager now warns the user much more explicitly than before when an operation is about to remove other packages.

The Software Sources tool now checks the speed of repository mirrors much faster than before and in parallel. It also uses a retry mechanism on timeout and removes erroneous mirrors from the list.

The English version of the Official User Guide was ported to DocBook and is now available from Menu->Help. PDF versions in multiple languages are also still available at http://www.linuxmint.com/documentation.php
Main components

Linux Mint 17.1 features KDE 4.14, MDM 1.8, a Linux kernel 3.13 and an Ubuntu 14.04 package base.
LTS strategy

Linux Mint 17.1 will receive security updates until 2019.

Until 2016, future versions of Linux Mint will use the same package base as Linux Mint 17.1, making it trivial for people to upgrade.

Until 2016, the development team won't start working on a new base and will be fully focused on this one.

2014. május 19., hétfő

Linux Mint 17 - Qiana released!

The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 17 “Qiana” MATE RC.

Linux Mint 17 is a long term support release which will be supported until 2019. It comes with updated software and brings refinements and many new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.

New features at a glance:
For a complete overview and to see screenshots of the new features, visit: “What’s new in Linux Mint 17 MATE“.

Important info:
  • Login screen freezes for German speaking users
  • NVIDIA Optimus cards do not work (yet)
  • EFI Support
  • Bluetooth
  • PAE required for 32-bit ISOs
  • Other issues
Make sure to read the “Release Notes” to be aware of important info or known issues related to this release.

System requirements:
  • x86 processor (Linux Mint 64-bit requires a 64-bit processor. Linux Mint 32-bit works on both 32-bit and 64-bit processors).
  • 512 MB RAM (1GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
  • 5 GB of disk space (20GB recommended).
  • Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution (1024×768 recommended).
  • CD/DVD drive or USB port
Bug reports:
  • Please report bugs below in the comment section of this blog.
  • Please visit https://github.com/linuxmint/Roadmap to follow the progress of the development team between the RC and the stable release.


Md5 sum:
  • 32-bit: 5fa031419c5d5c719ed9c954854f9a4d
  • 64-bit: 79cc6ae33c6553645bf5c9818312f8f6
HTTP Mirrors for the 32-bit DVD ISO:
HTTP Mirrors for the 64-bit DVD ISO:


2014. május 15., csütörtök

Megszűnik az Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) támogatottsága!

2014. május 16-án lejár az Ubuntu 12.10 másfél éves támogatottsága. Ez azt jelenti, hogy onnantól nem kap javításokat, biztonsági frissítéseket, új csomagokat. Aki ezt a verziót használja, annak érdemes mihamarabb átállni az aktuális stabil verzióra, a 14.04 LTS-re (támogatotsága  2017 április!).

Ezt a támogatott frissítési úton először az Ubuntu 13.10-re, majd a 14.04 LTS-re való frissítéssel teheti meg. Mielőtt az átállást elkezdené, győződjön meg róla, hogy minden frissítést feltelepített, és rendszere naprakész. A frissítést csak a Frissítéskezelő legfrissebb verziójával tudja elvégezni.

A frissítés menete:

Asztali Ubuntu verzió esetében:

Indítsa el a grafikus frissítéskezelőt: Unity → Frissítéskezelő
Kattintson a Beállításokra, majd válassza ki a „Minden új kiadást” az értesítéseknél a legördülő menüben.
Zárja be az ablakot, majd kattintson a „Frissítés” gombra.
Ha van valamilyen frissítendő csomag telepítse, majd kattintson az „Ellenőrzés” gombra.
Egy üzenet jelenik meg az új verzió elérhetőségéről, kattintson a „Telepítés” gombra.
Kövesse a képernyőn megjelenő utasításokat.
Kiszolgálók frissítése

Telepítse az update-manager-core csomagot (Terminálban):

sudo apt-get install update-manager-core
Indítsa el a frissítéskezelőt:
sudo do-release-upgrade

Kövesse a képernyőn megjelenő utasításokat.

2014. április 2., szerda

Revive old PC!

  • Light on resources; Heavy on functions.
  • Always based on Ubuntu/Lubuntu LTS.
  • Uses an optimized LXDE user interface.
  • Four familiar desktop layout paradigms.
  • Prudent full featured Apps preinstalled.
  • Latest stable versions of major software.
  • Added PPA's extends available software.
  • Updated LXDE system components.
  • Weather, Aero Snap, Quick Launch
  • Random Wallpaper, Panel Trash access
  • Theme consistency throughout system.
  • 100 gorgeous wallpapers preinstalled.
  • Numerous other tweaks/additions.
  • Stable and rock solid performance.
  • 32 and 64 bit OS versions available.
  • Boots & is online in less than 1 minute.

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