2017. május 24., szerda

Beállítások migrálása Aptikkal Ubuntu alatt

Beállítások migrálása Aptikkal Ubuntu alatt Ebből a leírásból megtudhatod hogyan viheted át régi rendszeredről adataidat az újra. Az Aptik mentést készít a következő dolgokról:

-rendszer beállítások
-régi PPA tárolók
-szoftver csomagok
-alkalmazás beállítások
-felcsatolt eszközök információi
-felhasználói/csoport adatok
-Home könyvtár adatai
-ütemezett feladatok

Az elemekről egyenként vagy egyben készíthető mentés vagy visszaállítás. A mentés készülhet külső eszközre, majd egy új Ubuntu telepítés után a mentett adatok migrálhatók a rendszerre. Tehát az Aptik-kal sokkal gyorsabbá és könnyebbé válik a munka.

Aptik telepítése

Az Aptik működik a legtöbb Ubuntu alapú rendszeren, így pl. LinuxMint-en és az Elementary-n is. A telepítéshez nyitni kell egy Terminalt és beírni a következőket:

sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install aptik

Telepítés után elindíthatod a programot a menüből vagy Unity Dash-ból.

Ilyen az Aptik kinézete. 

Ahogyan a képernyőképből is kitűnik, az Aptik felülete elég barátságos. Még egy linuxban kevésbé járatos ember is könnyedén használhatja. A mentés megkezdése előtt ki kell választani a mentés helyét.

Mentési helynek megadható egy tetszőleges mappa vagy külső meghajtó. Ha megvan a cél hely, akkor kattints a Backup gombra. A következő ablakban az Aptik listázza a mentésre kerülő tételeket. Kattints újra a Backup gombra. Az Aptik megkezdi a mentést a kiválasztott helyre.

Ha mindent egyszerre akarsz menteni, akkor kattints alul a One-click backup gombra.

Szükség esetén kiválaszthatod mely elemek kerüljenek mentésre. 

A fentiekhez hasonlóan lehetőséged van egy elem visszaállítására a Restore gomb használatával.


2016. május 18., szerda

HOWTO: Ubuntu on Windows

As announced last week, Microsoft and Canonical have worked together to bring Ubuntu's userspace natively into Windows 10.

As of today, Windows 10 Insiders can now take Ubuntu on Windows for a test drive! Here's how...

1) You need to have a system running today's 64-bit build of Windows 10 (Build 14316).

2) To do so, you may need to enroll into the Windows Insider program here, insider.windows.com.

3) You need to notify your Windows desktop that you're a Windows Insider, under "System Settings --> Advanced Windows Update options"

4) You need to set your update ambition to the far right, also known as "the fast ring".

5) You need to enable "developer mode", as this new feature is very pointedly directed specifically at developers.

6) You need to check for updates, apply all updates, and restart.

7) You need to turn on the new Windows feature, "Windows Subsystem for Linux (Beta)". Note (again) that you need a 64-bit version of Windows! Without that, you won't see the new option.

8) You need to reboot again. (Windows sure has a fetish for rebooting!)

9) You press the start button and type "bash".

10) The first time you run "bash.exe", you'll accept the terms of service, download Ubuntu, and then you're off and running!

If you screw something up, and you want to start over, simply open a Windows command shell, and run: lxrun /uninstall /full and then just run bash again.

For bonus points, you might also like to enable the Ubuntu monospace font in your console. Here's how!

a) Download the Ubuntu monospace font, from font.ubuntu.com.

b) Install the Ubuntu monospace font, by opening the zip file you downloaded, finding UbuntuMono-R.ttf, double clicking on it, and then clicking Install.

c) Enable the Ubuntu monospace font for the command console in the Windows registry. Open regedit and find this key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont and add a new string value name "000" with value data "Ubuntu Mono"

d) Edit your command console preferences to enable the Ubuntu monospace font.


Ubuntu futtatása Windows 10 alatt

Ebből a cikkből kiderül, hogyan futtathatsz Ubuntut Windows 10 alatt.

1.) Először meg kell róla győződnöd, hogy 64 bites Windows 10-el rendelkezel.

2.) Részt kell venned a Windows Insider programban.

3.) A Windows asztalon meg tudsz a részvételről bizonyosodni a Rendszerbeállítások => Windows Update opciók menü alatt.

4.) Be kell állítanod a frissítést a beállító gyűrűn.

5.) Engedélyezned kell a "fejlesztői módot", mert ez az új jellemző kifejezetten fejlesztők számára érhető el.

6.) Ellenőrizned kell a frissítéseket, fogadj el minden frissítést és indítsd újra a gépet.

7.) Be kell kapcsolnod az új Windows jellemzőt, "Windows System for Linux (beta). Ismét bizonyosodj meg arról, hogy 64 bites Windowst használ. Enélkül nem láthatod az új funkciót.

8.) Újra szükséges egy restart.

9.) Nyomd meg a Start gombot majd írd be, hogy "bash".

10.) Amikor első alkalommal futtatod a bash.exe-t, akkor el kell fogadnod a felhasználási feltételeket, aztán már használhatod.

Forrás: http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2016/04/howto-ubuntu-on-windows.html

2015. május 11., hétfő


Chromixium has reached stable status and it is available for download right-now by clicking on the above links. Please read the full release announcement in the news section before downloading. Chromixium is a 32 Bit, English language distribution.

Chromixium combines the elegant simplicity of the Chromebook with the flexibility and stability of Ubuntu’s Long Term Support release. Chromixium puts the web front and center of the user experience. Web and Chrome apps work straight out of the browser to connect you to all your personal, work and education networks.

Sign into Chromium to sync all your apps and bookmarks. When you are offline or when you need more power, you can install any number of applications for work or play, including LibreOffice, Skype, Steam and a whole lot more. Security updates are installed seamlessly and effortlessly in the background and will be supplied until 2019. You can install Chromixium in place of any existing operating system, or alongside Windows or Linux.

Download Chromixium-1.0-i386-hybrid.iso (32 bit download for PC) (update 28/04/2015: now supports transfer to USB using dd command).

The MD5 file verification checksum is 8bb8afef75b4832756fb6e47f8278b2c.
If you prefer, you can download Chromixium as a torrent: Chromixium-1.0-i386-Hybrid.torrent

Chromixium torrents are now also now hosted on Linuxtracker.

The username and password for logging in and for launching the installer (ie sudo access) isuser.

Minimum requirements: 512MB RAM (1GB preferred), 1GHZ PAE capable Intel/AMD processor.Read more here.

Keep Up to Date: Follow us on Google+

Chromixium is a project to recreate the functionality, look and feel of Google’s Chrome OS on a conventional desktop, GNU/Linux base system.

Chromixium combines the best of Chrome OS and Ubuntu and will remain free, forever.

Chromixium is a free, modern, attractive and functional Open Source operating system for laptops, notebooks and desktop computers. It can be downloaded and transferred to a CD, DVD or USB stick in order to test it without changing your hard drive. It includes an installer, so you can quickly install it for a more permanent operating system. Chromixium combines the power of the web, with the power of the Ubuntu and GNU/Linux desktop ecosystem. Read more about this unique operating system here.

2015. március 1., vasárnap

Korora project

Korora was born out of a desire to make Linux easier for new users, while still being useful for experts.

Originally based on Gentoo Linux in 2005, Korora was re-born in 2010 as a Fedora Remix1 with tweaks and extras to make the system “just work” out of the box.

Why Fedora? Lots of reasons!

Comparison to Fedora

Korora is a Fedora Remix, meaning it ships packages from the default Fedora repositories but also a number of other packages (often ones that Fedora cannot ship directly). We also make changes to the default system, whereas Fedora generally sticks to upstream. For new users, Fedora can be tricky because it doesn't include many of the extras that users often need, things like media codecs and some proprietary software. This is one area where Korora can help.

Ultimately, we want people just like you to become useful members of the Fedora community and we hope that trying Korora will be a catalyst for this.

For a detailed look at how Korora differs to Fedora, see What's Inside.


Korora comes in a few installable versions which include the Cinnamon, GNOME, KDE, MATE and Xfce desktops.






Default applications

Korora sets the default applications to those that we believe end users typically want. For example, Firefox is the default web browser (instead of Konqueror in KDE and Epiphany in GNOME, for example) and VLC is the default media player (instead of Dragon Player in KDE and Totem in GNOME, for example). There is generally one popular program installed for each task, although alternatives (such as the Google Chrome web browser) are available via the package manager for a quick install.

We have a license to distribute Adobe Flash so this is now included by default.

Package repositories

Korora also pre-configures a number of third party repositories, making it easier to install the additional software that most people use. These include:

Adobe Flash
Google Chrome, Google Earth and Google Talkplugin

This means that more software which is not normally available on Fedora is available to install out of the box on Korora.

Third party driver support

Korora includes a tool called Pharlap (Jockey in release 19 and earlier) for simple installation of third party drivers such as those for NVIDIA graphics cards and certain wireless devices.

Korora also comes with all the development tools and kernel headers you need to easily install out of tree kernel modules, such as those required by VirtualBox. These modules are automatically built when you get a new kernel update thanks to Dynamic Kernel Module Support.


Korora hopes to provide a complete, easy to use system for general computing which is assisted by the following:
Support for as much hardware as possible
End user desired applications as defaults (e.g. Firefox over Konqueror)
Ability to play all media out of the box using free software, wherever possible
Target specific applications for tasks with as little bloat as possible
Provide simple means to get support
Provide guides on how to use the system
Build a little community of happy Linux users

1 Korora is not provided or supported by the Fedora Project. Official, unmodified Fedora software is available through the Fedora Project website.

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